alarm|SIM card offer a range of plans and you may see a charge on your card statement from us. We have detailed below what each charge is for:
£10 - PLAN20: alarm|SIM CARD Pre-pay Credit. Click here for more details.
£20 - PLAN20: Annual Service Fee. Click here for more details.
£23.80 - Risco Cloud Service Fee (Allows access to control and monitor your alarm from your phone)
£29.88 - PLAN2: Annual Service Fee (Back up data inclusive sim plan)
£35.88 - PLAN10: Annual Service Fee (Data inclusive sim plan)
£43.80 - PLA20CLOUD: Annual Service Fee (PLAN20 and Risco Cloud Service combined fee)
£53.68 - PLAN2CLOUD: Annual Service Fee (PLAN2 and Risco Cloud Service combined fee)
£53.88 - PLAN10+: Annual Service Fee (Data and SMS inclusive sim plan)
£59.68 - PLAN10CLOUD: Annual Service Fee (PLAN10 and Risco Cloud Service combined fee)
£77.68 - PLAN10+CLOUD: Annual Service Fee (PLAN10+ and Risco Cloud Service combined fee)
More details about the alarm|SIM CARD plan can be found by clicking here.
If you require any additional help with your charge, please Submit a Ticket so we can assist you further.